The K12 Online Meme – Three Things I Hope to Get Out of the Conference

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The K12 Online Conference has begun! They started a meme to help publicize the event. Here’s my response.

1. Watching the dialogue develop- Many of the bloggers I follow are presenting at this conference. I’m interesting in hearing what’s new in their thinking, what new steps their thoughts have taken.

2. Professional Development with/for Learning 2.0 – I know how tremendously web 2.0 technologies have impacted my own professional development. As a tech coordinator, I am struggling to provide PD for my staff that helps them move ahead, and embrace these technologies, both because they make the curriculum more engaging, and because at the moment, our students are getting left behind.

3. Practical Knowledge and New Frontiers – After attending the Learning 2.0 conference in Shanghai, my staff is starting to bring these disruptive technologies into their curriculum. I want to be well informed to help them do this. I also want to have my own thinking pushed.

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